Key Traits, Supporting Characteristics, and Responsibilities of a RiderCoach

Articles on Motorcycle Rider Education: Part XXIII – Key Traits, Supporting Characteristics, and Responsibilities of a RiderCoach Although there are numerous traits, characteristics, and responsibilities associated with being a RiderCoach, the

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How Perceptions Can Drive Learning

Perceptions can be a way of understanding or interpret something when it must do with other people or the environment where an action is taking place.  When a person uses their ability to perceive it may influence how they coach another based on their basic needs, the five senses, goals and values, self-concept, orientation, motivation, previous experiences, and readiness to learn as recognized in another. …

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Obstacles to Learning During Rider Education

Some of these factors that reside in the feelings of students are: 1) perceiving unfair treatment; 2) impatient to move on to more interesting topics; 3) worry or lack of focus; 4) discomfort physically from illness or fatigue; 5) apathy because of poor instruction; and 6) the anxiety of learning. …

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The Demonstrated-Performance Method

Probably the oldest technique for teaching, in all of history, is the demonstrated-performance technique.  Some refer to this technique as modeling – making a good example being a child who learns to do something by having the behavior or action “modeled” to them by an adult. …

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