Archives August 29, 2023

Tribe Talk Happy Hour – 6 September 2023

Tribe Talk Happy Hour – 6 September 2023
7:00-9:00 pm Eastern
“Ride Along Factors”

Have you ever heard the phrase, “correlation is not causation?”  The distinction between correlation and causation is important because if we try to solve a problem by addressing the wrong cause, we’re bound to waste resources.  We might even make the problem worse despite our good intentions.  This week, we’re going to think about some trends we might notice and address how we can–and can’t–use these trends to help our own problem-solving efforts.

Questions to ponder:

Once we determine there’s a correlation between two factors, how do we figure out what causes the correlation? 

How much do we trust other people’s data vs. our own judgement when trying to identify a root cause?

What happens if we get the cause wrong?

How can we use this framework to inform our roles as coaches who value motorcyclist safety?

Choosing RiderCoaches for Improved Culture, Cultivating New RiderCoaches.

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