Tribe Talk #198 Video and Materials

Tribe Talk #198 Video and Materials

12 July 2023 – Belinda Longnion Kock and Scott Powell

The number of traumatic brain injuries sustained nationwide has increased yearly for the past 30+ years, and the causes represent a growing and diverse array of events.  Too often, the focus is put on preventing these injuries by restricting the activities, which is neither practical nor possible.  Instead, more often, the focus should be on identifying the signs and symptoms, encouraging rationale prevention measures, and understanding the long-term consequences of a brain injury, multiple brain injuries, and what you can do if this applies to you. 

RiderCoach Belinda Longnion Kock from “Free 2 Grieve” and Scott Powell from the “Alabama Head Injury Foundation” discussed Traumatic Brain Injury and how it can affect our lives as motorcyclists.

Questions to ponder:

  • How can I recognize the potential long-term effects of a previous brain injury(ies)?
  • What exactly happens inside the skull when a brain injury occurs?
  • Are there things that can be done if I recognize that might be suffering from the long-term impact of a prior injury?








See these Videos: (1:04) (1:12)

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