Tribe Talk Happy Hour – 14 June 2023
7:00-9:00 pm Eastern
“Psychological Safety”
This week, we will have Xu Simon moderating a discussion about “Psychological Safety.” Her experience as COO and TEDx speaker will help with cross-functional learning and challenge everyone to think differently in our roles as RiderCoaches. So please bring your questions and banter to a group to share and change the direction of our profession…
Some Lead-in questions to ponder:
(1) How do you see your role in correcting mistakes compared to solidifying successes?
(2) How do your results differ when asking for more rather than less of something? Do you ever try to reframe something you don’t want by asking for what you do?
(3) How effective is the “sandwich method” of feedback (say something positive, give a correction, say something else positive) in your experience?
(4) Did you notice someone doing something right this week, and what did you do about it?
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