Tribe Talk Happy Hour – 10 May 2023

Tribe Talk Happy Hour – 10 May 2023

7:00-9:00 pm Eastern

An International Perspective

A big thank you to Richard Penser from New Jersey picking up the ball at last week’s Tribe Talk Happy Hour!

This week, I was given access to an international project called “SafeRiders eLearning Course” that was constructed at Università degli studi di Firenze in Italy by Dr. Marilee Nugent. The task was to evaluate the eCourse, contrast and compare the strengths and challenges of the course and provide perspective. Since it has not been fully completed I did not receive approval to share the documents. However, it did foster thought on what would be an internationally acceptable way to share such things?

Some Lead-in questions to ponder:

  • How do we translate research to action and learning?
  • How do we capture the attention of the students that need the information the most?
  • What is the most difficult information to translate to our students?
  • And what was the most useful thing you learned this week?

Choosing RiderCoaches for Improved Culture, Cultivating New RiderCoaches.

See these Videos:

Click Here: Tribe Talk Happy Hour Link

PASSWORD: RiderCoach

Bring your ideas and questions. Share with our peers spread the word…

What does it take to be an effective RiderCoach, and how does understanding the “MSF RiderCoach Guide” help the process? The conversations bring us together and inform us all…

Click Here: Tribe Talk Happy Hour Link


You will need a password for entry into the meeting waiting room.  Please use your full name followed by your location, as it will be used to help screen for access.

Please be patient and cautious in sharing the password with only Tribe members who are there to learn and share positive messages!

Please invite all RiderCoaches and RiderCoach Candidates to participate in this social community.  The Tribe is a group of like-minded people who have more in common than they have differences.

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