Participate in the Competencies, Characteristics, Experiences, and Abilities (CCEA) Study

Participate in the Competencies, Characteristics, Experiences, and Abilities (CCEA) Study

Participate in the Competencies, Characteristics, Experiences, and Abilities (CCEA) Study

By Dr. Donald L. Green – December 6, 2022

Fredericksburg, Virginia – A study of the Competencies, Characteristics, Experiences, and Abilities (CCEA) is presently being conducted to determine the attributes most important to being an Instructor/RiderCoach/RiderCoach Trainer based on professional literature.  RiderCoach participation can be helpful to the entire motorcycle rider education community.

The research is a continuation of Dr. Raymond J. Ochs’s 2005 research, revisited by Dr. Green’s research in 2020 and presented at the 2022 German Institute Fur Zweiradsicherheit 14th International Motorcycle Conference.  The study is one of the first longitudinal rider education research projects specifically addressing the human factors affecting teaching and the attributes most important for being a successful Instructor/RiderCoach/RiderCoach Trainer. 

This effort seeks the opinion of RiderCoaches, asking participants to evaluate the importance of CCEAs by rank order and submitting to the study their demographic information.  The information will be maintained as confidential and used only in an anonymous aggregate form.  Participating should be considered a professional development opportunity, integrating all opinions as part of the larger project.

With more than 5000 potential participants, every respondent can make a difference by sharing their perceptions.

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