Happy Hour Preview – 2 September 2020

Happy Hour Preview – 2 September 2020

Happy Hour Preview – 2 September 2020

Reminder:  Tribe Talk Happy Hour Wednesdays from 7:00-9:00 PM Eastern.

Happy Hour is a weekly get together on Wednesdays to talk about whatever you want to with a group of Coaches with tons of experiences to share and learn from!

Bring your curriculum questions with context and have a dialog with the Tribe! Free flowing discussion about everything RiderCoach! 

Click the red box below or cut and paste the following link into your browser:


Meeting ID: 376 336 804
Passcode: 004758C

Please invite all RiderCoaches and RiderCoach Candidates to take part in this open social gathering.  The Tribe is a group of like-minded people who have more in common than they have differences.

Tribe Talk is a dialog to enhance communications and help develop an improvement culture, sharing experiences and ideas for the betterment of the Tribe across the United States. 

Hopefully your curiosity brings you to the tribe and you are motivated to help everyone make it better.  All RiderCoaches are welcome, regardless of active participation, lurking is encouraged. 

This is an independent event not sponsored by any organization regardless of who participates.  The single motive is to improve our ability to assist in the creation of responsible – thinking, motorcyclist with good judgment.   As an integral part, we desire to improve our model as RiderCoaches, with a more in-depth education and peer-learning ability than we ask from our students.

Thanks for being a member of the Tribe. See you soon!

Don Green, RiderChoices…

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