Tribe Talk – 30 August 2020

Tribe Talk – 30 August 2020

Tribe Talk – 30 August 2020

Dialog on Tribe Talk Structure and Purpose, and RiderCoach Communication


30 August 2020 Topic Highlights include:

Tribe Talk Structure and Purpose– Don Green, NY

RiderCoach Communications – Dialog

Link to IFZ 13th International Motorcycle Conference:

Tribe Talk Weekly Poll 30 August 2020

The Tribe:

The Tribe is a group of like-minded people who have more in common than they have differences. 

Tribe Talk is a dialog with Coaches to enhance communications and help develop an improvement culture, sharing experiences and ideas for improvement of the tribe.

Hopefully your curiosity brought you to the tribe and you are motivated to help make it better. Please invite other RiderCoaches and RiderCoach Candidates to take part in this social gathering of the great folk in our Rider Education Community.

This is an independent event not sponsored by any one organization regardless of the participants.  The one simple motive is improvement of our ability create responsible – thinking, motorcyclist with good judgment. As an integral part, we want to improve our model as RiderCoaches, with more in-depth education and learning abilities than we ask of our students.

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