We could use your assistance to grow this community of like minded people.
This website operates on the gift of donations, free of charge to those who use the resources. Rider Choices provides content and material to the community in an effort to improve rider education, creating a safe place to discuss, learn, and share.
Videos of community discussions are carefully moderated and painstakingly curated as a resource for growth to chronicle the daily activities of RiderCoaches and their efforts. Many members of the tribe contribute time and resources to the benefit of others.
Your small monetary gift of $5, $10, $15, $20, or $25 will assist in keeping these resources available for everyone in the community. Donations are used for upkeep of the website including the cost of hosting the service, subscriptions, producing educational material, providing website security, necessary software, and efforts to moderate and keep the site functional.
We thank you in advance for your consideration in supporting to the cause.