No kidding, here I am sitting down to read multiple incident reports from the same class, and it strikes me, I have been missing something here. I am probably reading too much into the situation, but I must get this thought out, so here we go. Are you ready? This could go someplace neither of us wants it to. …
Applying this insight into conducting a Basic Rider’s Course, if the coach is speaking about the geometry of steering or aerodynamics, the reality is the music in a novice rider’s ears is not in sync with the lessons or skill they are trying to learn. …
Eyes should continually Scan to identify hazards before they become dangerous. Using the Search Evaluate Execute (SEE) strategy to look for hazardous factors also increases your ability to find an Escape Path if a hazard exists.
A 360° Scan with your eyes helps identify hazards before they become dangerous. Using Search Evaluate Execute (SEE) to the Front, Sides, and Behind gives riders a 360° situational awareness.
Although there are numerous traits, characteristics, and responsibilities associated with being a RiderCoach, the following nine seem to be pertinent in support of all other competencies and abilities. These key identifiers separate professional RiderCoaches from those who refer to it as a hobby or look at their roles differently than most. Authenticity, sincerity, student acceptance, personal appearance, demeanor, safety practices and incident prevention, proper language, self-improvement, and curiosity can define the character of someone who models and takes the responsibility of the profession seriously. …
Scanning with your eyes helps to identify hazards before they become dangerous. Searching for Escape Paths can give you an out to make a bad situation better.