Special Tuesday 1-2-3 (three ruminations)
27 September 2022
As I watch and refresh myself with the movie “Why We Ride” today and I am reminded, we all start somewhere. Having shoshin as we approach sharing our passion with others, it is a necessity to remember many of our students have only a thought about riding a motorcycle. The details we sometimes gloss over can mean the difference between a life-long passion, or a life-long injury. Be the connection and the empathetic human element. …
What does it take to be an effective RiderCoach, and how does “Candidate Selection” help the process? Watch the videos below and brings some thoughts!
Over the last year, the tribe has discussed so many different parts of what it takes to be an effective RiderCoach that sometimes it is challenging to consider what will be next. This week we will have an Open Forum. …