Tribe Talk – 200th Episode

Tribe Talk – 200th Episode

26 July 2023 – 7:00-9:00 pm Eastern

“Open Forum”

Tribe Talk has reached our 200th Episode milestone with a significant change. Tribe Talk will no longer be a weekly event and, more importantly, will be limited in scope based on volunteerism or a desire to share new and relevant discussion topics.

See More Below

Over the last three years, RiderCoaches and guests worldwide have participated in Tribe Talk, sharing information, ideas, and community to grow and reinvigorate rider education and training. Through the “Dark Times” of COVID, we gained a resource for life-long learning and friends we could turn to for questions of clarification, interconnected ideas, and best practices with a group of seasoned Coaches invigorating the discussion. The consistent meeting has made a difference, at least for those who have attended, creating a more robust and accessible culture. The growth provided a safe location to discover, grow, and find more meaning in what we do in Rider Education.

The “Tribe” collectively has driven the topics fostering exploration into deeper and broader issues based on multiple curriculums and the needs of our attendees. For new RiderCoaches, Tribe Talk has been a sounding board for development and understanding. For seasoned RiderCoaches, the discussions provided reinforcement, clarification, and recalibration of experiences not offered by local programs. The Peer-to-Peer (P2P) professional development provided by Tribe Talk has superseded program information silos and the lack of consistent and meaningful follow-on professional development.

Unlike other offerings that limit the interaction with one-way communications, managed frameworks, or misinterpreted text diatribes, Tribe Talk has continued to be a platform of open and virtual face-to-face discussion. Voices are heard, context is clarified, and disagreements are respectfully considered in a group setting to resolve misunderstandings. The members of the Tribe have been respectful and an accurate representation of the best our profession has to offer.

Rider Choices would like to thank everyone who has attended and supported Tribe Talks in the past. We also hope to have enough volunteers to provide the same type of support for our community in the future, constrained only by those who seek to share.

Click Here: Tribe Talk Happy Hour Link

PASSWORD: RiderCoach

Bring your ideas and questions. Share with our peers spread the word…

What does it take to be an effective RiderCoach, and how does understanding the “MSF RiderCoach Guide” help the process? The conversations bring us together and inform us all…

Click Here: Tribe Talk Happy Hour Link


You will need a password for entry into the meeting waiting room.  Please use your full name followed by your location, as it will be used to help screen for access.

Please be patient and cautious in sharing the password with only Tribe members who are there to learn and share positive messages!

Please invite all RiderCoaches and RiderCoach Candidates to participate in this social community.  The Tribe is a group of like-minded people who have more in common than they have differences.

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