Knowledge Hunting

Knowledge Hunting

Knowledge Hunting

Dr. Donald L. Green, 9 July 2023

I can’t stop the hunt for understanding. The more I know, the less I know, which I detest! I am on a quest, perhaps to a fault. I love the thrill of unraveling new ideas and learning about the world, teaching how to teach or apply it to learning about riding a motorcycle or teaching someone to ride a motorcycle. If you have the same desire and intrigue, welcome to the exciting world of knowledge hunting!

We are in a period when we can no longer accept acquiring knowledge through what “someone told us” or accept what someone says at face knowledge. With the advent of social media and online courses, knowledge hunting is no longer confined to classroom walls. What we have also lost is action directed toward learning. This includes apprenticeships, once used to meld knowledge into actual application, which have become a remnant of the past. Today, the opportunity to say we know something because we have “researched it” after googling or bringing it up in a search engine may give us false security to our knowledge.

For real knowledge hunters, it is a journey of discovery. Knowledge hunting allows mastery of the learning journey and the risk or reward of what is discovered. It takes time and effort to gather information on the topic that ignites your curiosity to achieve the goal of the hunt. I would say goodbye to being a passive knowledge recipient to seek actual engagement and hands-on pursuit instead. The process is dynamic, bringing together various professions and threads to encourage active participation and ownership of the hunt, changing the now benign conventional approach.

Knowledge hunting requires flexibility. You can choose the mediums from which to use on your expedition. Dive into books, podcasts, YouTube videos, online meetings, and symposiums, long or short. The choices are limitless, allowing you to curate your unique learning experience.

Knowledge hunting fosters critical thinking skills and judgment that can be used during rider education courses. It encourages us to question, evaluate, and analyze the information we come across. As you embark on your quest, you may learn to differentiate between fact and opinion, challenge your assumptions, and develop a more well-rounded perspective. The hunting skill creates personal growth and enhances the complex judgment necessary to be a coach or a person in the more fantastic world around us.

Knowledge hunting is also about connecting the dots, like a skilled detective in a mystery novel. You’ll find yourself making connections between seemingly unrelated topics, unraveling secrets, and discovering new mysteries along the way. The interconnectedness expands your worldview, offering a tapestry of knowledge that shapes us into a truly knowledgeable individuals or collectives.

There will also be conflict. What we find can give us different meanings about subjects existing and be interpreted differently by others. It’s okay to think differently, but use the dissonance to re-look and re-assess the information for your accuracy and beliefs! This is also where knowledge hunting can be exciting, and the expansion of what we know collectively can change. The dichotomy of all the available knowledge, good and bad, is the connection of the new threads never available before. How crazy!

So, why wait? Grab your RiderCoach Guide, begin the hunt with a metaphorical explorer’s range hat, and begin the captivating journey called knowledge hunting. Unlock the informational doors, open the world’s wonders, explore related fields, and uncover epiphanies of understanding. Embrace the hunt letting curiosity be your guide to becoming a little smarter, wiser, and much more fun rather than staying ignorant!

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