Special Tuesday 1-2-3 (three ruminations)

Special Tuesday 1-2-3 (three ruminations)

Special Tuesday 1-2-3 (three ruminations)

By Dr. Donald L. Green, 27 September 2022

As I watch and refresh myself with the movie “Why We Ride” today and I am reminded, we all start somewhere. Having shoshin as we approach sharing our passion with others, it is a necessity to remember many of our students have only a thought about riding a motorcycle. The details we sometimes gloss over can mean the difference between a life-long passion, or a life-long injury. Be the connection and the empathetic human element.

1) I continually seek improvement and betterment through reading, experience, and observations of others. The ONE thing I can not do is to stop, becoming lessor by being stagnant. Pushing forward or trying new things, even when I have anxieties, is how I prefer to grow.

2) Reading can be a very solitary endeavor. In order to grow, the experience of action and observation requires at least TWO people to be involved in sharing what they have been exposed to and want to try. Hopefully you have another to share your learning, possibly a mentor or someone willing to be mentored.

3) Next Monday-Tuesday (3-4 October 2022) I will be attending the 14th International Motorcycle Conference with the theme of “Safety In Motion.” This will make THREE for me and as they happen every two years, it has been a six year commitment to continue learning from the larger international community. The German Institut für Zweiradsicherheit (Institute for Two-Wheel Vehicle) does a great job of bringing together a collection of international road safety experts to share new research. How do we make that kind of difference?

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