Tribe Talk Happy Hour – 31 August 2022

Tribe Talk Happy Hour – 31 August 2022

Tribe Talk Happy Hour – 31 August 2022

Back to Basics

“What is RiderCoach Judgement”

Click Here: Tribe Talk Happy Hour Link

31 August 2022, 7:00-9:00 pm Eastern

Over the last year, the tribe has discussed so many different parts of what it takes to be a successful RiderCoach that sometimes it is challenging to consider what will be next. This week we will explore a common term used in generality but rarely defined – RiderCoach Judgement.

Staying a RiderCoach takes a commitment, including being a good rider and having the desire to coach and be coached. This week is a Discussion about RiderCoach Judgment that asks you to explore the RiderCoach Guide to find where Judgement is discussed or alluded to.

Please watch the videos below and consider what to bring to Tribe Talk Happy Hour a place for all RiderCoaches to learn from the community.

Watch these and bring your thoughts:

Bring your ideas and questions. Share with our peers spread the word…

Being a member of the Tribe only costs your time – We will happily refund the unhappiness of being disconnected if you desire!

Everyone is accepted in Tribe Talk’s safe and respectful environment.

Bring your thoughts and ideas to share with the group! Weekly 7:00-9:00 pm Eastern.

This is the opportunity to connect the community and increase communication in a group of professional Coaches!


You will need a password for entry into the meeting waiting room.  Please use your full name followed by your location as it will be used to help screen for entry.

Please be patient and cautious in sharing the password with only Tribe members who are there to learn and share positive messages!

Click Here: Tribe Talk Happy Hour Link

PASSWORD: RiderCoach

Please invite all RiderCoaches and RiderCoach Candidates to take part in this social community.  The Tribe is a group of like-minded people who have more in common than they have differences.

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