Although there are numerous traits, characteristics, and responsibilities associated with being a RiderCoach, the following nine seem to be pertinent in support of all other competencies and abilities. These key identifiers separate professional RiderCoaches from those who refer to it as a hobby or look at their roles differently than most. Authenticity, sincerity, student acceptance, personal appearance, demeanor, safety practices and incident prevention, proper language, self-improvement, and curiosity can define the character of someone who models and takes the responsibility of the profession seriously. …
26 January 2022, 7:00-9:00 pm
Share your Experiences!
Wednesday, 26 January 2022, for Tribe Talk Happy Hour! Bring a Friend!
Wednesday’s dialog will center on “Open Forums”
Everyone is invited and accepted in Tribe Talk’s safe and respectful environment.
Bring your thoughts and ideas to share with the group! …
Rider Choices – Rider Tips #67
Rider Choices – Rider Tips #67
Scanning with your eyes helps to identify hazards before they become dangerous. Searching for Escape Paths can give you an out to make a bad situation better.
Survive the Ride
Look for our weekly Tips! …