Program Administrator Workgroup #9 – is Scheduled for 18 February 2021

Program Administrator Workgroup #9 – is Scheduled for 18 February 2021

Program Administrator Workgroup #9 – is Scheduled for 18 February 2021

Please join us to discuss how and why we collect information and data for our Rider Education Programs and what we use it for. 

After attending several annual state Professional Development Workshops (PDWs), it became apparent that the information collected could be used collectively to help all programs.  Bring your latest data to share with others, and let’s discuss as a group what can be done to foster better data collection and integration to help the community.

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The last meeting on 14 January 2021 included representation from Illinois, Maine, Michigan, Nevada, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Texas, and Wisconsin. The Discussion included preparing for Professional Development Workshops, Formats, Topics, and Methods for accommodating for the COVID Environment.

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