Program Administrator Workgroup #7 – 3 December 2020

Program Administrator Workgroup #7 – 3 December 2020

Program Administrator Workgroup #7 – 3 December 2020

The seventh iteration of the United States Program Administrator Workgroup met again on Thursday, 3 December 2020.  Representatives from state and military programs from Illinois, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Vermont, and Wisconsin attended to discuss current topics faced in Rider Education.

This month’s discussion was centered on countermeasures for motorcycle crash and morbidity rates. Each state brought their countermeasure successes and was followed by Dr. Dan Petterson from Michigan and Skilled Motorcyclist Association -Responsible Trained and Educated Riders Inc. (SMARTER) Dr. Petterson explained from research that many of our implemented countermeasures are not working and perhaps others proven as meaningful should be implemented.

Brett Robinson, Executive Director of the State Motorcyclist Safety Association (SMSA) presented his take on Graduated Driver/Rider Licensing from a historical perspective providing insight on the history in the United States.

A good deal of the discussion was centered around the need for rider’s with steady Judgment, Perception, and Personal Awareness.

The next Program Administrator Workgroup is scheduled for January 14th, 2020 at 1:00 pm Eastern time.

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