How Tribe Talk works
Canceling Classes
Using the Ecourse – better knowledge transfer
Level II Classroom
Standard vs. Compact Ranges
Single Coach Ranges
3 Wheel Range sizes
SMARTrainer certification and use
Learning Styles
Street Strategies
Social tightening and physical distancing …
Two hours of Discussions of multiple issues
Training Motorcycle Discussions
ARC Certification Completion – Exercise discussion
Body positions and their effects
General RiderCoach Harassments (honest showing love for each other)
RiderCoach Candidate expectation management
Coaching Hierarchies good or bad?
Campus COVID adjustments
Coaches helping Coaches helping Students
Couples in Courses
Learning Contracts (Malcolm Knowles)
Stress during preparation courses
Consolidation of knowledge – length of training
Personal connections in training environments
Value of Pre-Course front loading in RiderCoach Prep (guidelines)
Mentorship Programs
Results of lower standards
How are we making rider training better? …