Program Administrator Workgroup – 27 August 2020

Program Administrator Workgroup – 27 August 2020

Program Administrator Workgroup – 27 August 2020

The Program Administrator Workgroup met again on Thursday, 27 August 2020.  Representatives from 13 states participated including Alaska, Arizona, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, North Carolina, Wisconsin, and Virginia attended to discuss current topics faced in Rider Education.

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This month’s discussion was centered on sharing ideas and selection processes used for recruiting and selecting Instructor/RiderCoach candidates for becoming a part of Rider Education in each state. Interestingly there was great variance in processes, from having providers recruit and select at their level of administration to having well organized and documented systems to ensure the appropriate instructor is selected before sending to a prep.

When asked how Instructor/RiderCoach Trainers are used, the answers were equally varying from minimal to extensive including restricting from or accomplishing all Quality Assurance assistance. Some states had minimal Trainers where others had multiple to handle the geographic areas necessary.

The next Program Administrator Workgroup will be held on September 24th, 2020.

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