Rider Coach Participation

Rider Coach Participation

Rider Coach Participation

In a recent survey, a group of 184 RiderCoaches were asked to participate by giving their input to improve the profession.  Only 18% provided feedback.

This number showed improvement over the same population 15 years earlier. More importantly, it calls into question why more do not participate, use their voice, or put effort into helping others through participation. Quite often, nothing is more defining than silence.

During the weekly Tribe Talk Happy Hour, contributors often discuss the need for more active involvement in the RiderCoach Corps.  Considerations of the many reasons give insight into why some may not feel comfortable participating in professional discussions. Regardless, we continue as a Tribe of like minds to emphasize the need for others to participate and provide their knowledge and wisdom to the group for the betterment of the Tribe.

Please take some time to benefit everyone who participates by attending any professional development session possible. Do not fear what may be learned, either in a positive or negative light about who we are as RiderCoaches. Use the opportunities for personal growth, and know there are safe places to have honest discussions without judgment.

Like we try to provide for our students.

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